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Our Brand

Our Brand | Fidelidade



The name 'Fidelidade' stresses the power of the word, and also its significance within relationships with clients and partners.​ 



The long path trailed by Fidelidade has been linked to many symbols. Out of these, we highlight the figure of the dog, which appeared for the first time back in 1835, represented on the insurance policies as a kind of safeguard against two of the most common claims of the time: fire and shipwrecks. This is a symbol of pure Loyalty (the meaning of 'Fidelidade'): a guard dog with its ears raised, which represents attention, agility and efficiency, thereby reinforcing the idea of loyalty of the insurance firm towards its own commitments and values.




Red adds energy and motivation to establish an ever more positive presence on the market.



So that life may never stop.

Fidelidade's mission is that of lending support to the development and construction of a sustainable society. The company also takes on a commitment to educate, serve, accompany and take care of people throughout their lives, with innovative services and products that effectively grant protection to people.




To set an example for others, never letting anyone go without an answer and without support, even if this means that the company will have to go beyond its obligations.




Even though reality has undergone significant changes over two centuries, there are values which, for Fidelidade, are maintained to this day. The consistent public recognition of the quality of the company's products and services is based on major principles which make the company stand out on the market: experience, protection, credibility, innovation, competitivity, efficiency, leadership, loyalty, trust and stability.

Nowadays, Fidelidade adds an extra value, the esssence of a human brand. A brand that believes in life, and that is always at the side of anyone who has a dream, and manages to inspire other people. ​​