With a presence in Macao since 1999, Fidelidade has been active there through two branches, one
of them aiming at Life Insurance and Management of Pension Funds, and the other aiming at
General Insurance.
At the end of 2015, Fidelidade Macau - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. was set up. The portfolio of
insurance policies of the Non-Life Department, which was discontinued, was transferred to this
new company, with the activities being carried out, in the non-life segment, through the
subsidiary thus established.
In March 2020, after 20 years providing life insurance and pension fund services in Macao as a
branch of Fidelidade – Companhia de Seguros S.A., a local Life Insurance Company was
incorporated upon the approval of the Macao Government Authorities, to be named Fidelidade Macau
Vida — Companhia de Seguros, S.A., assuring a stronger and more relevant corporate presence in
the region.
At present, Fidelidade carries out its business mainly through a banking channel, in
partnership with BNU, and also directly and through channels of brokers, seeking to cater both
to private individuals and companies.
Fidelidade also operates in the segment of big business in Macao (casinos, hotels and resorts),
covering the risk of damage to assets and civil and professional liability insurance, among